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Lisa Keith - Walkin' in the Sun 立体声WAV整轨+CUE

Lisa Keith - Walkin' in the Sun 立体声WAV整轨+CUE

专辑名称:Walkin' in the Sun

专辑艺人:Lisa Keith

唱片公司:Perspective Records


唱片编号:31 454 9004 2



为其他艺人伴唱出道的Lisa Keith,通过自己的努力,现已跻身为当今美国乐坛的一位实力唱将,该专辑为1993她发行了她的个人首张专辑Walkin' in the Sun(走在阳光下),其良好的音乐素养,为其音乐道路奠定了很好的基础。


01. Love Isn't Body ... It's Soul    [0:05:12.77]

02. Better than You    [0:04:13.66]

03. Love is Alive and Well    [0:04:10.69]

04. I'm in Love    [0:04:32.53]

05. Days Like These    [0:04:13.77]

06. A Love for all Seasons    [0:04:25.82]

07. World of Joy    [0:03:51.30]

08. Sunshine Daydreamin'    [0:05:08.69]

09. Closer    [0:04:40.10]

10. Love Me Like You Do    [0:03:57.62]

11. Free as You Wanna Be    [0:03:59.26]

12. True to You    [0:04:26.66]

13. Walkin' in the Sun    [0:04:26.37]

14. Adonai    [0:04:15.86]

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